We had our first volunteer event; the Adult Community Education (ACE) class from the Anchorage School District came to help us do some Spring Cleaning in the orchard. They are an enthusiastic and hard-working group; always eager to help, and we appreciate them very much!
We welcomed our first field trip group. About 50 kids from Airport heights Elementary school’s second and third-grade classes learned about the role of bees in pollinating. They learned how to tell the different blossom types and about healthy soils. They also helped in the orchard by collecting downed branches, which they then recycled and used for art projects. We loved hearing their comments and questions.
We recieved notice that our application for tax-exemption status from the city was accepted, meaning a huge financial burden lifted! Now our funds can go toward maintenence and a future purchase of the property. We are so grateful for your generous donations!
We launched our two-question survey to improve our community programs. We have recieved some great feedback already, but encourage everyone to particpate.
SAVE THE DATE! Lastly, we have started planning for our first annual Blossom Festival and Fund-Raiser for Saturday June 4th. With several activities throughout the day, there will be something for everyone, and we hope you will join us.