Many hands make for light work and we need all the help we can get! This Saturday, June 25 we are inviting willing helpers to the orchard from 9 am – 12 pm to help with mowing, weed-whacking, pulling vetch, thinning apples in the orchard, and other tasks as needed. If you are able to bring a mower or weed whacker, you get bonus points. We do have some equipment available to use (in various stages of functionality). Also, please bring work gloves, and dress for the weather. No need to sign up in advance. We are also in need of cardboard (flattened w/ tape removed). As usual, children are welcome if they stay with you. Just be aware we have bees, and sometimes wasps, as well as tripping hazards on the property.

For our tree sponsors, this will be a great opportunity to thin your fruit, remove weeds, and give your Apple Tree some TLC.

Our very happy Peonies
A beautiful summer day at Boyer’s